課 程 資 訊
Treatment workflow of failing dentition for re-establishing esthetic and prosthodontics core parameters.
The courses will introduce fundamental dental knowledge and proper clinical evaluation / execution of what you’ve been confused with since dental school. With the emerging and utilization of technology in dental field, digital dentistry has drastically overcome pitfalls of conventional dentistry however still with limitations. Through the course you will also be able to understand the entry point, benefit and the restriction of digital assisted dentistry for digital beginners.
Course outline:
- Introducing “Treatment Algorithm” for assessing and finalizing treatment plan of failing dentition
- Explaining esthetic and prosthodontic core parameters in terms of its fundamental concepts and execution.
- Vertical dimension
- Centric relationship
- Plane of Occlusion
- Teeth exposure
- Discussing converting conventional workflow to digital workflow
- Reviewing “Treatment Algorithm” through various clinical cases
- Discussing treatment options, material selections and implant assisted design of fixed or removable dental prosthesis
- Discussing how to succeed in provisional phase when altering VD and CR
- Introducing the duplication of provisional restorations to definitive prosthesis
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Email: 2016apcprogram@gmail.com退 費 機 制 說 明