這次安排了一天的大演講和兩個階段的實作課程,將完整介紹Occlusal Campass的基本概念於臨床運用。NAT概念是希望能夠將贗復物製作成自然美觀且具有功能,NAT的核心“咬合羅盤”恰如其名,指引我們方向,讓我們能夠有系統、有規則的找出適切的型態,恢復牙齒。 咬合羅盤的概念,可以應用在全口咬合的分析,也可以用來設計單一咬頭的型態,由大而小的分析功能,由小而大的恢复型態,只要依循著咬合羅盤給我們的線索,一個點一個點的連線,慢慢一顆牙的型態,一口牙的咬合,就如同連連看,慢慢浮現出來。
- Course Level 1 12/29-01/01 09:00-17:00
Theme: dental occlusal compass& NAT (by Dieter Schulz)introducing the occlusal compassStep by step segmented and detailed waxing up of the occlusal surface,upper &lower first molar, according occlusal compass
theoretical part includes: -occlusal compass -occlusal tooth morphology (upper and lower first molar)-contact points in static occlusion(upper and lower first molar)-functional aspects of contact points(upper and lower first molar)-functional aspects of occlusal morphology(cusps/segments, upper &lower first molar)practical part includes: -segmented waxing up of the occlusal morphology with full details,upper and lower first molar-detecting the contact points on the occlusal surface (ideal position in angle class 1)
- Course Level 2 01/03-01/06 09:00-17:00
Waxing up Class 2 case according NAT-differences between ideal situation (class 1) and conditions in daily work(class2)-how to handle class 2 occlusion-how articulator settings influence our occlusal surface-discussion
1.本次課程因連貫性需求,Hands on需要報名level 1 才能上level 2
2.單人報名level 1: 50000元,醫師技師合報:90000元
3.單人報名level 2: 60000元, 醫師技師合報:110000元
5.目前開放想要上level 1以及level 2的學員報名,訂金6萬,尾款5萬元請於12/29日繳交